DUG Symposium

Posner Center 1031 33rd St., Denver, CO, United States

Scraps is providing zero-waste services for the annual symposium for our partners at Denver Urban Gardens.

Arvada Winterfest 2025

Olde Town Arvada 5726 Olde Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada, CO, United States

Now in our third year partnering with the City of Arvada to make their events zero-waste, we're thrilled to be part of Winterfest 2025!

Kite Fest – Arvada

Stenger Sports Complex 11200 W 58th Ave, Arvada, CO, United States

Welchester Elementary Soar 5K

Welchester Elementary School 13000 W. 10th Ave, Golden, CO, United States

We're delighted to sponsor this school fundraiser race for another year!

Summerfest in Arvada

Ralston Park Addition 11200 W 64th Ave, Arvada, CO, United States