Scraps for your home

Compost at home with Scraps! Check availability for your address, and if you live in our service area, you can sign up immediately. You’ll get:
- 64-gallon toter (rolling cart) and optional countertop bin
- Weekly pickup, year round, of food scraps, yard waste & more (see our guide for what’s compostable)
- Informational posters, stickers & more, to ensure you know the what, how + why of composting
- Personalized member dashboard with automated service reminders and updates
- Access to finished compost, delivered right to you on your pickup day
If you live in a condominium or apartment, Scraps no longer offers individual unit service. Please use our commercial inquiry form to help get your whole building/community on board!

Not in our pickup service area? Prefer to drop off your compost to a central location? You can still compost with Scraps through our drop-off programs.
- 2-gallon bin and complete starter kit (optional)
- 24/7 access to drop-off bin(s), with locations across the Denver Metro (see our guide for what’s compostable)
- Personalized member dashboard with automated service reminders and updates
- Access to finished compost
Do you live in Edgewater?
If so, we’re your city’s official compost hauler! Sign up and compost your food scraps and yard waste at home, year round.
Our residential service
This residential membership is designed for folks in single-family homes or buildings up to seven units, in the suburbs of Denver.
Live in a condominium or apartment building, in Denver or the suburbs? We no longer service individual residents in multi-family buildings; Check out our commercial membership options for your building.
Outside of our service area? That’s OK too – check out our drop-off membership options!

How It Works
Let’s get scrapping
Whether pick-ups from your home, neighborhood drop-offs or custom solutions for your business – choose the service that fits your needs and budget.
Scraps Service Area -
You’ll receive everything you need to get started, including up-to-date information on what is compostable & what is “contamination,” plus ongoing support from our team. You’ll receive a 64-gallon toter and an optional countertop bin, and access to your new Scraps “dashboard” to manage your composting schedule. Watch your trash can stay empty as your compost bin fills up!
Composting Resources -
Residential members receive a weekly pickup. For drop-off programs, bins are emptied multiple times weekly.
Frequently Asked Qs
Pickup or drop-off, Scraps will help you keep your composting practice going for the long-run! -
In your garden or in the field, finished compost nourishes and improves the soil where our farmers labor and our food is grown. It even helps the soil do some of its big jobs better – like absorbing runoff & rainfall, or even trapping carbon for the long-term & fighting climate change. We provide all sorts of ways for our members to get finished compost!
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Trusted by 3000+ members